Hi and welcome to my author page

My first novel is now available in a revised edtion, that’s the one with the red cover.

For all media enquiries please contact my publisher and agent Irene Briggs, Entertainment Depot.com.au 


Ruby’s diary is one woman’s account of her spiritual journey and the endurance of love beyond this mortal coil.
Ruby Adams never thought she was special, seeing and talking with family, friends and strangers, all of whom had passed away.

From a young age, Ruby experienced the supernatural and the paranormal without fear. This began a lifetime of communicating with ghosts, confused spirits and wandering souls who were searching for their own heaven or afterlife. Acting as a medium for the living and dead, Ruby listens, consoles and guides the spirits through their loss and heartache.
 Ruby recounts confronting the Grim Reaper in her own home, encounters with poltergeists, and handles the tears and tantrums of both the living and the dead.

Ruby’s diary showcases hers spiritual abilities and announces the depths of love that surpass the realm of life and death. It is a-religious. 

Ruby Adams was born with the inherent psychic abilities to see, hear and talk to people who have passed away. As a facilitator, a medium, she helps them through their initial shock and disbelief that they are truly dead. She allays their fears, spiritual expectations and assists with thier concerns regarding the unfinished business, allowing them to move forward, whatever their spiritual path may be. All the while enabling those left behind and grieving to communicate with their loved ones, and to find peace and closure.

Ruby’s diary contains her psychic and paranormal experiences with her loved ones, friends and strangers. 

While most ghostly strangers are friendly, there are a few that are plain evil.

Over many years she wrote, often in tears, attempting to balance the material and physical world with the vast spiritual universe.


My revised edition is now available on Amazon in paperback (with less cuss words) in paperback and ebook.

My first book…All that is me is not gone

If you are curious as to how long love endures, continuing without human form, then share in this intimate and very personal story of extremes: love in all its glory, deep pain, sorrow, joy, commitment and happy endings. Brace yourself for this intense and emotional journey. (NB language warning)

First comes the love, then, tragically death and unexpectedly in the afterlife the romance continues
for those departed and those loved ones left behind…
This book was a long time coming, a work of literary fiction. The first edition was released as a paperback and e-book a few years ago. I had no idea when I pressed the submit button to Amazon it would create that much interest. It was on the top 20 list on Goodreads and an Amazon in-house critic in the top 200. (there are approx. 1000 critics) gave me an amazing review – she enjoyed my story, (was just what she was looking for) and the writing style, she said it was as if we were in a cafe chatting. What a compliment!. Thankyou kind lady.

To my surprise the feedback from readers of all ages and countries was, “I can’t stop crying, but I can’t put it down”.  Some contacted me to tell me they read the entire book in three days straight. Yes, keep a tissue box handy.

A window into the life’s, love and spiritual side of people not often spoken about. Reminds one of who you really are and what is truly important in this journey on earth. I laughed, I cried, I enjoyed.
Sean Myles

This is a truly inspiring  – Ruby is wonderful story teller (Although she doesn’t think so…) of a life that has been through the most joyous events from meeting the man of her dreams and motherhood’s greatness to excruciatingly painful events. This story will make you laugh out loud, cry & even put it down so you can recapture what you have just read & prompt you to believe in the things that most of us cannot see. Ruby is a believer in the truth of the world with Raw truth, love, & pure honesty.

A fascinating view of the light and dark of love and life and death. You will laugh and cry. I read it in one hit, couldn’t put it down.

Oh Ruby, I really understand how hard this book must have been to write. You have a great gift for using the written word to communicate. Had to take allot of breaks to get to the end, quite an emotional read.

It is compelling reading, I read it when I had time and the couldn’t stop, well into the night sometimes. If you ever doubted that this story needs to be published, stop right now! It is so worth publishing.

I really enjoyed reading your book, it was captivating! Your style is lovely and authentic. 

Great story Ruby!!! Well done. Your book is a real tear jerker.

I was taken on a journey, deeply touching,and entertaining. I wanted Ruby to push through the pain and survive triumphantly. I am a believer of the special connections we can have to those that are here or those that have passed, so I did not need convincing.. I enjoyed Ruby’s descriptive storytelling and a story of love that penetrates all boundaries. Patricia Fox

AMAZING!!!! GREAT WORK RUBY!!!!!  Congratulations, I loved it. Your writing style is so uniquely you.

This is the amazing journey of a woman from youth to marriage, child, untimely passing of her husband and how she coped. But this is not a journey you would expect. It will keep your riveted and unable to put it down. Absolutely excellent.
PP PGA Producer

Ruby Adams

indie author